Game Designer, Programmer, Producer



Active Dates: 2024

Development Time: ~ 2 weeks

Tools Used: Unity, Visual Studio Code, Piskel

Programming Language: C#


Project Description

This project is intended as a programming demo created with Unity, meant to recreate the specific mechanic of another game, such as how a given game might handle dialogue prompts or camera clipping. As the final for the GAME 330 class at George Mason University, the mechanic that we chose to replicate was expected to be somewhat more mechanically complicated than say, recreating a particle effect or specific movement speed calculations.

Everything is original work except for, course, what the Unity Engine provides such as:

  • Collision detection and physics

  • Rendering systems

  • Platform functionality

  • And so on

The demo contains various systems, such as a day/night cycle, player attribute scores (strength, dexterity, constitution, etc.), enemy AI behavior, 10 various sample effects that can be applied with ‘spells,’ a rudimentary spell-crafting system, a save/load system for the newly created spells, interact with world items system, and an inventory system, complete with drag & drop, item pickup/drop, equipping items, and so on.

The goals for this project are simple:

  • It was to be a learning exercise mechanically, to learn by example and see what really goes into creating proven, established mechanics.

  • To expand on our existing programming ability by trying to recreate something new to us.

  • Use this opportunity and experience to create something that could be useful later down the line, like for a senior thesis project.


  • Michael Guevara